Thank you, Hactoberfest!!

4 min readNov 1, 2020


Just a few hours left until the thrilling Hactoberfest to end!! So far I have worked on adding documentation, fixing bug and removing unused code for my other 3 PRs. For my last PR, my goal was to code and make noticeable changes. I found the perfect issue on this repo named Grommet.

My last contribution for Hactoberfest

This is my first time working with storybook but their documentation has enough details to guide me. The issue was working with front-end and format different components based on their type. They have different components such as box, card, header, footer and so on. All of them were stored in one section. The task was to organize them by their type. For example, Card is a type of Layout component. As you can see even though it is a single issue, it has many parts.

After forking, cloning, installing required packages, I started with making a Layout section to put Card component below that section. I made new file called Card.stories.js where I exported Card component that can be used different ways.

To be able to use those export, I also had to make them available from their file which also required export.

Another change I had to make is naming. For example, the component name in the UI should be Rich footer , not RichFooter which can be done by the following code.

Lastly, I removed code which is not needed anymore.

My PR got reviewed and merged sooner than I expected. I had great conversation with one of the main contributor (I am now connected to their slack community 😍) and I felt motivated to make more contribution on this issue. So, I made 3 more PRs: PR2, PR3, PR4 , and all of them got merged!!! Now, this is the final look of what I did so far 😃

Final look of my contribution

I am looking forward to do more contribution on this repo. I really enjoyed working on it and seeing the end result visually.

Summary on Hactoberfest

My progress on Hactoberfest

I still remember how terrified I was a month ago. The pressure of finding an issue where I can contribute and the doubt if I am good enough were the biggest struggle.

From my very first PR on Rico project, which was adding an .editorconfig file, I made little progress PR by PR. My second PR was fixing a small bug on Harvesthru-web repo. Though it was small, working on others code especially fixing the existing bug I believe was a big step. The third one was on ember.js repo where I removed code to enhance the maintainability. By far, this is the largest community I had contributed. And the last but not the least is the Grommet community. If anyone asks me which contribution is my favorite so far, I would say the last one because I was able to do more than what I have to do 😄

I am really proud of me and thankful to Hactoberfest for introducing me to a new world, overcoming my fear and helping me to meet with new communities. This is just the beginning of my open source journey!!




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